Maugersbury village has a defibrillator. It is located at Chapel Street Garages, Hollis Yard, Maugersbury.
A defibrillator is used to deliver a therapeutic shock to treat life-threatening conditions that affect heart rhythm.
The defibrillator is in a locked cabinet. It can be deployed only after the Ambulance Service has been called and has provided the lock combination number.
Although anyone can operate the defibrillator without training, several people in the village have been trained in its use, along with CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation).
Should you be in the unfortunate position of requiring a defibrillator:
Dial 999 from a landline, or
112 from a mobile
and start chest compressions immediately
Note: If you set your phone to loudspeaker mode you will be able to speak to the Ambulance Service while performing CPR.
If Ambulance Control think the use of a defibrillator is required they will give the combination number to unlock the cabinet. At this point if you have someone with you send them to fetch the defibrillator or phone one of the people who has had the training (making sure you have provided them with the combination number to unlock the cabinet). They can fetch the defibrillator and offer you assistance.
A list of trained people is available from the Parish Council on request.